
Showing posts from November, 2017

Gyani Pandit Ji - It's time for Sunday Mantra (Jai Bholenath)

Subah Subah Le Shiv Kaa Naam....Shiv Aayenge Tere Kaam....Om Namah Shivaay The unhappiest people in this world are the people who care the most about what everyone else thinks. Spend a day without bothering what others do or think, half of your problems will be gone.  🐍 🔱 🐍  Namaste Beautiful Souls. It's time for Sunday Mantra.  💀 👁 💀  Just realise how much energy you are wasting worrying about it. Learn to relax. Some problems in life, such as not knowing what others think of you, are not really meant to be resolved. How people perceive you may have more t o do with them than you anyway. So here’s a new mantra for you ; say it aloud ; “This is my life, my choices, my mistakes and my lessons. As long as I’m not hurting people, I need not worry what they think of me." Know that most people are not thinking about you anyway. We would worry less about what others think of us if we realised how seldom they do. Nothing could be closer to the truth. Forget wha...

Gyani Pandit Ji - About Adiyogi (Lord Shiva)

About Adiyogi आदियोगी शिव प्रतिमा, शंकर की ११२ मीटर ऊँची प्रतिमा है जो कोयम्बटूर में वर्ष २०१७ में स्थापित की गयी थी। इसकी अभिकल्पना (डिजाइन) सद्गुरु जग्गी वासुदेव ने की है। सद्गुरु का विचार है कि यह प्रतिमा योग के प्रति लोगों में प्रेरणा जगाने के लिये हैं, इसीलिये इसका नाम 'आदियोगी' (=प्रथम योगी) है। शिव को योग का प्रवर्तक माना जाता है। Adiyogi Shiva was inaugurated on 24 February 2017 by the Prime Minister of India, Narendra Modi, on the occasion of Maha Shivaratri – a Hindu festival celebrated annually in honour of Shiva. The Indian Ministry of Tourism has included the statue as a consecration destination in its official Incredible India campaign.The Adiyogi Statue has been recognized as the "Largest Bust Sculpture" by Guinness World Records. Adiyogi Shiva is located at the Isha Yoga complex which houses the Dhyanalinga in Coimbatore, Tamil Nadu at the foothills of Velliangiri Mountains, a range in the Western Ghats.The statue was designed over two years ...

Ganesh Aarti Presented by Gyani Pandit


Gyani Pandit Ji - श्रीगणेश पूजन की सबसे सरल विधि

श्रीगणेश पूजन की सबसे सरल विधि श्रीगणेश पूजा अपने आपमें बहुत ही महत्वपूर्ण व कल्याणकारी है। चाहे वह किसी कार्य की सफलता के लिए हो या फिर चाहे किसी कामनापूर्ति स्त्री, पुत्र, पौत्र, धन, समृद्धि के लिए या फिर अचानक ही किसी संकट मे पड़े हुए दुखों के निवारण हेतु हो। अर्थात्‌ जब कभी किसी व्यक्ति को किसी अनिष्ट की आशंका हो या उसे नाना प्रकार के शारीरिक या आर्थिक कष्ट उठाने पड़ रहे हो तो उसे श्रद्धा एवं विश्वासपूर्वक किसी योग्य व विद्वान ब्राह्मण के सहयोग से श्रीगणपति प्रभु व शिव परिवार का व्रत, आराधना व पूजन करना चाहिए। श्रीगणेश चतुर्थी को पत्थर चौथ और कलंक चौथ के नाम भी जाना जाता है। यह प्रति वर्ष भाद्रपद मास को शुक्ल चतुर्थी के रूप में मनाया जाता है। चतुर्थी तिथि को श्री गणपति भगवान की उत्पत्ति हुई थी इसलिए इन्हें यह तिथि अधिक प्रिय है। जो विघ्नों का नाश करने वाले और ऋद्धि-सिद्धि के दाता हैं। इसलिए इन्हें सिद्धि विनायक भगवान भी कहा जाता है। * पूजन से पहले नित्यादि क्रियाओं से निवृत्त होकर शुद्ध आसन में बैठकर सभी पूजन सामग्री को एकत्रित कर पुष्प, धूप, दीप, कपूर, रोली, मौली लाल, च...

Gyani Pandit Ji - Benefit of Listening Shiv Bhajan's Everyday

What exactly Bhajan is? Do you ever wonder from where it has been originated? What benefits do we derive from listening bhajan? Are Bhajans just make us calm and relax or there are other benefits attached too? Come, let’s dig into. In Sanskrit, Bhaj means attachment, worship homage etc. Basically singing a lyrical glorification of deity is Bhajan. It’s a way of conveying love to the divine. Singing Bhajan and Kirtan in praise of Lord is an age-old and sacred tradition. Its simple melodious lyrics and ragas have the same effect as meditation. For the seeker, it treads the path to become one with the divine.It is a best and easy way to reach to the divine. Either Bhajan can be composed in different raga or it may be a simple devotional song without any complexity. Bhajan and Kirtan are more or less similar. The only difference is kirtan is the well-structured performance where the audience also participates with the singer.In contrary, Bhajans performed by a lead sing...

Gyani Pandit Ji - Meaning of Lord Shiva Damaru

"When Shiva beats his damaru, the evil shakes, while the wise awakes!! " Lord Shiva is always depicted holding a ‘Damaru’, tied right under his Trishul. It is one of the visible marks of Lord Shiva. According to Puranas, Lord Shiva beats damaru’ to cut out the audible nuisances and calm the negative vibrations. The sound vibration of ‘damaru’ is considered propitious. Damaru, which looks like a small drum appearing in the form similar to that of an hour-glass is often attribu ted to the lord's famous dancing posture—the Nataraja. It is believed by many that the damaru produced the first dhwani (sound) also known as 'nada' in the universe. It was born in the void and Shiva danced to the rhythm of damaru, which led to the creation of this universe. Another legend has it that the top of the damaru symbolizes male creativity of procreation and the downward representation stands for female creativity of procreation. Also, many say that the sound produc...