Gyani Pandit Ji - Om Suryaya Namah ~ Blessed Sunday Divine Souls
Hinduism lays great emphasis on worshipping the five gods. Lord Shiva and his Roop Hanuman, Lord Vishnu, Lord Ganesha, Maa Shakti and Surya Dev (Sun-god). One who renders devotional service to and worships any of these deities and does japa of their names gets all kinds of benefits – material, other-worldly, moral and spiritual. The Sun is the symbol of the Self-god. As the Self-god illuminates the mind, the intellect and the body, the Sun illuminates the world. But the Sun too is illuminated by the Atman. Who is the knower of the existence or non-existence of the Sun? It is your real ‘I’, your Real Self. Your real ‘I’ is blazing in the form of the Sun. The Sun is the symbol of Knowledge and is the source of light, ojas, lustre, power and vitality. Elaborating on the meaning of Surya, the scriptures say: Surya is Su(supreme) + rya (inspiring). Thus Surya means ‘the supreme one that inspires’. ‘O Surya! O Lord! Illuminate my intellect with Knowledge. You are the ancient ...